Well come to my itspirit Domain.

This Domain is owned by Xingxing Zhou for learning and sharing activities. Enjoy it. If you are lucky enough that you know me, feel free to give me feedback personally.


Some Website examples:

Websites Description
Omnifood Restaurant example
Color Game In this website, there is a game of guessing RGB color.
To Do List A demon of to do list without connecting to the backend data base.
Patatap Click on the link. Visit this page. Press any keys of alphabet on your keyboard and enjoy the magic sounds.
Connected It was my first start up projoct in TUM.
Installation of Anaconda 3 on windows 10 A step-by-step introduction to installation of Anaconda (The World's Most Popular Data Science Platform) on windows 10.
LoginPage A login page with pure html and css.
Blog Our blog implemented using PHP.